Saturday, October 21, 2017

Monthly Schedule

Art Master 2019-20         
 TeacherOctober December February April 
KBaldwinKinkadeKrystina SloanMondrianKrystina SloanCurrier and IvesKrystina SloanNorman RockwellKrystina Sloan
KEhmkeMondrianNiki MosleyCurrier and IvesBecky RasmussenNorman RockwellLexi CaseKinkadeBecky Rasmussen
KKnakCurrier and IvesAmanda KvitkovskyiNorman RockwellKelsie KrenkelKinkadeAmanda KvitkovskyiMondrianKelsie Krenkel
KBeebeMondrian Currier and Ives Norman Rockwell Kinkade 
1DunkleRenoirAmanda KrieseRemingtonRanda CanterHicksAmanda KrieseKleeHeather Torriente
1BassettKleeHeidi KotzenmacherRenoirHeidi KotzenmacherRemingtonHeidi KotzenmacherHicksHeidi Kotzenmacher
1PavlicaHicksAmanda LombardiKleeAmanda LombardiRenoirAmanda LombardiRemingtonAmanda Lombardi
2JohansenChagallLaura FurnellO'KeefeCherry JohnstonMichelangeloLaura FurnellBrueghelCherry Johnston
2MantleBrueghelKristen KohlerChagallKristen KohlerO'KeefeKristen KohlerMichelangeloKristen Kohler
2DawkinsMichelangeloJen NoelBrueghelLindsay RiggsChagallJen NoelO'KeefeLindsay Riggs
3MillerPicassoJen KellisHomerJen KellisSeuratJen KellisRembrandtJen Kellis
3GriffithRembrandtMolly HeatonPicassoMolly HeatonHomerMolly HeatonSeuratMolly Heaton
3GarlingtonSeuratHeidi KotzenmacherRembrandtHeidi KotzenmacherPicassoHeidi KotzenmacherHomerHeidi Kotzenmacher
4Santa CruzMonetAmanda LombardiSargent/CassattAmanda LombardiVermeerAmanda LombardiVan GoghAmanda Lombardi
4EngelVan GoghJessica WiltonMonetHeather TorrienteSargent/CassattJessica WiltonVermeerHeather Torriente
4GrangerVermeerRanda CanterVan GoghAmanda KrieseMonetRebekka KotrodimosSargent/CassattAmanda Kriese
4JungSargent/CassattDiana CroftVermeerKelli McDowellVan GoghDiana CroftMonetKelli McDowell
5AlonzoBingham/BierstadtMichelle HansenHopperCarie TitmanDegasMichelle HansenDurerCarie Titman
5NorthDurerCherry JohnstonBingham/BierstadtLexi CaseHopperCherry JohnstonDegasLexi Case
5NieboerDegasHeather TorrienteDurerHeather TorrienteBingham/BierstadtHeather TorrienteHopperHeather Torriente
5MoffattHopperLindsay RiggsDegasCindy AllenDurerLindsay RiggsBingham/BierstadtKaci Perkins
 CardonaWyethEric McLeskeyCezanneKelli McDowellDavinciKelly HallamMiroKelli McDowell
6GabbinCezanneLila HalbertDaVinciLila HalbertMiroLila HalbertWyethLila Halbert
6MitchellWyethRebekka KotrodimosCezanneRebekka KotrodimosDavinciRebekka KotrodimosMiroRebekka Kotrodimos
6PhillisMiroJen NoelWyethRanda CanterCezanneJen NoelDavinciRanda Canter
6SalamonDavinciLaurie LeeMiroJessica WiltonWyethLaurie LeeCezanneJessica Wilton

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Art Masters Presentation Checklist

1. Schedule Presentation:  The month before you are scheduled, contact the teacher to let her know when you would like to come.  (Email address for the teachers can be found at follow schools link to Towne Meadows and Staff Directory).  I will also email you a listing of email address and other volunteers.

2. Check Out Artist Packet:  Artist packets are in the library--circle  your name when checking out packet--cross out name when returning.

3. Plan Lesson:  Do additional internet research if desired.  Determine Art lesson plan/project/treat/gift you would like to do., or google Art Masters Lessons for Children.

4. Obtain Supplies:  Check art closet at least 2 weeks before to make sure we have whatever supplies you need. Place sticky note on the supply you wish to use to indicate when and for which artist you will be using a supply. 

5. Remind Teacher:  Call or email your teacher 2 days in advance of presentation to make sure she is still planning on you coming.

6. Collects Supplies and Print:  20-30 minutes before presentation get supply key from office and on your way to classroom remove painting from hallway or prints from drawer in closet, and any other supplies you may need.

7. Present!  30-45 minutes--be sure to you and the teacher know when you will finish.  Have fun!!

8. Return all Supplies:  Return painting to hallway, supplies to closet, packet to library.


Mondrain – try to recreate a Mondrain-esque piece of art using only 3 black lines, and 2 or 3 red, yellow and blue squares of different sizes. Try to make it balanced and pleasing to the eye.

Klee Paul – using 4x6 piece of watercolor paper, make a picture of anything you want – using ONLY geometric shapes – triangles, squares, circles paint with watercolors

Hicks, Edward – Describe a dodo bird to the children without showing them a picture. “It’s a bird. It has a fat body like a turkey. It has curly tail feathers. It has short wings and cannot fly, etc. Have them draw the animal they are imagining, then show the pic. Talk about how hard it must have been for Hicks to paint a lion or a cheetah without ever seeing one.

Renoir, Pierre – using drawing paper, draw something that is special to you while playing happy music on CD.

Remington, Fredrick - Butcher paper (5-6 ft long), crayons, tape
Draw a mural of lots of people doing lots of things (i.e. recess or the circus) have children take turns coming up to the board (several at a time) to draw their part of the mural
Have them practice what they will draw on paper at their desk before they come up. Or draw a horse…step by step

Michaelangelo – have the children tape a piece of paper the the underside of their desk and try to draw a picture while laying on their backs

O’Keefe, Georgia – using a small piece of drawing paper (taped to a regular piece of scratch paper-to avoid mess on the desk) and pastels, draw a flower from your imagination. Fill the page – the flower should be off the edges of the drawing paper

Chagall, Marc – talk about how Chagall tried to paint from his imagination, not reality, tried to relay memories or dreams…sometimes we fly or float in dreams – not weird at all.
Also colored how objects made him feel, not their true color. Try to draw a dream. Color according to feeling, not reality.

Breughel, Pieter – play I spy – then draw your favorite season

Picasso, Pablo – using cut and/or torn scraps of paper and glue, make an abstract picture on a piece of construction paper (Popsicle sticks for glue spreading)

Homer, Winslow – talk about how lines = color. Thick vs thin close together vs far apart, experiment with different lines, then try to copy Homer’s seascape.

Seurat, Georges – construction paper , tempera paint, paintbrushes, plates for paint Pour circles of each color paint on plate, have children paint a picture with the END of the paint brush – ONLY DOTS – NO LINES.

Rembrandt - pasta maker, well inked ink pad small Styrofoam plate, scissors scrap paper and a pencil –
Using scissors, cut as big a square out of the center of the plate as you can, etch a simple picture into the dull (NOT SHINY) side of the foam square and your name or initials (backwards!). Press the
etching into the inkpad. Place a piece of scratch paper over the inked etching and run it through the smallest position in the press. Should make several copies with only one inking!

Sargent/Cassatt – using drawing paper & ebony pencils, draw your neighbor. When the children are done have them hold up the pictures and have class guess who is in the picture.

Durer, Albrecht – etch your initials into ½ of a small potato using a (nail? Paper clip? Pencil?) Remember that the letters must be backwards and you want to carve away everything except the letters. Dry off potato and use stamp pad & scrap paper to see how well you did.

Hopper, Edward – use paper, pencil and rulers to find and draw the vanishing point for a house & telephone poles. Step by step instrux

Bingham – After looking at all the triangles formed in his art, try to draw a picture of your own using this formation. (we are usually very linear – house, tree, swing set – all the same size & in a row) Use watercolor pencils if desired. When finished, have the class show their work and find the triangle in each piece.

Vermeer – talk about the color wheel and how to balance color in a picture. Try it.

Van Gogh - Using black or navy construction paper, use pastel chalk to create your own starry night

Degas give each child a .5’x2’ piece of modeling clay. Try to create a replica of your index finger. Notice the knuckles, where and how the finger bends, how the nail is shaped. Harder than it sounds

Cezanne Paul – tear several pieces of tissue paper and layer over a ½ piece of white cardstock to look like a sunset. Glue all over to make a mosaic.

Miro – Give each child a ½ piece of brightly colored cardstock, 2 paper clips, 2 pieces of pipecleaner, 3 buttons, ribbon, a few pompoms, 2 starbursts, glue, and anything they want to use from their desk to create a “found object” piece of art. Name it and show it off. SUPER FUN

Wyeth – using Styrofoam shapes in the closet and a charcoal pencil, practice shading…if you bring in a desk lamp to make the shadows more pronounced, it will be easier.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Art Master's Art Experience Materials List by Artist

Art Master’s List 2012 – Art Experience



Mondrian, Piet – creating own art with a few colored squares & black lines (square paper, colored blocks, black lines, glue stick)

Courier & Ives—
Thomas Kinkaid—
Cave Art--

Grade 1

Hicks, Edward – drawing from an oral description (watercolor paper, pencils, Q-Tips, cups)
Klee, Paul – art using only geometric shapes (watercolor paper, paints, cups)
Renoir, Pierre A – draw something special (happy music, paper, crayons)
Remington, Fredrick – classroom add-on mural  (butcher paper, crayons, scratch paper, tape)

Grade 2 / PMA

Brueghel, Pieter – I Spy & draw a season ( games copies, paper, crayons)
Chagall, Marc – draw a dream (watercolor paper, pencils, Q-Tips, cups)
Michaelangelo – draw under desk – ceiling (copy paper, tape)
O’Keefe, Georgia – fill a page pastels (pastels, charcoal paper, paper, double-sided tape)

Grade 3

Homer, Winslow – line, shadow, mood  (charcoal paper, ebony pencils, charcoal)
Picasso, Pablo – right vs left brain drawing  (small pictures to copy, full-size paper, pencil)
Rembrandt – etching (Styrofoam piece, pencil or paper clip, inkpad, press, scratch paper)
Seurat, Georges – pointillism (tempera paint, palettes, brushes,  ½ cardstock)

Grade 4

Monet, Claude – water color (watercolor paper, paints,  brushes, cups)
Sargent, J/Cassatt, M – portraits  (ebony pencils, drawing paper)
Van Gogh, Vincent – starry night  (pastels/ dark paper)
Vermeer, Johannes- color wheel (watercolor paper, color pencils, Q-Tips, cups)

Grade 5

Bingham, G/ Bierstadt,A - finding the triangle (paper, pencil)
Degas, Edgar – Sculpting a finger (clay, nails, pencil)
Durer, Albert – etching initials in a potato (1/2 potatoes, inkpads, paper towels, paper, paper clip)
Hopper, Edward – Vanishing point, 3D (paper, rulers, pencils)

Grade 6

Cezanne, Paul – landscape with tissue (tissue, glue stick, ½ cardstock)
DaVinci, Leonardo – write name backward, design an invention (paper, pencil)
Miro, Jean –  casting (plastic mold stuff, clay, Dixie cups)
Wyeth, Andrew – shapes & shading (charcoal paper, charcoal, foam shapes, lamp?)

Welcome to Art Masters!

Towne Meadows Elementary Art Masterpiece!

*Generally, Art Masterpiece in the classroom consists of:  learning about our painting of the month, the artist and sometimes other works by that artist, an activity, and a treat. (No art degree or professional experience required)

* Art Masterpiece lessons are around 45 min for upper grades and around 30 minutes for kindergarteners.

* Our Art Masterpiece program has packets where parents from past years have put their lesson plans –so volunteers do not have to feel pressured to know about art to help teach about the paintings and artists.  You are free to use any appropriate information from additional sources and plan your own projects. 

*There are four artists presented to the class throughout the year for each grade.  You have 2 months to present your artist to the class.  Please try to return your packet at the end of the first month so that the next volunteer has time to use the packet and prepare for their lesson.

*We have an Art Masters Supply cupboard located in the VIK office of the cafeteria.  You will need a key from the attendance clerk in the front office to open this closet.  Please return the key when you are done.  There are also several drawers in the same office containing laminated versions of additional artwork.  Most artists have a painting hanging in the hallway of the school.

Thank You for Volunteering!

Cherry Johnston
