How to Present Your Artist

Art Masters Presentation Checklist

1. Schedule Presentation:  The month before you are scheduled, contact the teacher to let her know when you would like to come.  (Email address for the teachers are first  I will also email you a listing of email address, phone extensions, and other volunteers for each class.

2. Check Out Artist Packet:  Artist packets are in the library--circle  your name when checking out packet--cross out name when returning.

3. Plan Lesson:  Do additional internet research if desired.  Determine Art lesson plan/project/treat/prize you would like to use. Use, or Google Art Masters Lessons for Children.

4. Obtain Supplies:  Check art closet at least 2 weeks before to make sure we have whatever supplies you need. Place sticky note on the supply you wish to use to indicate when and for which artist you will be using a supply. 

5. Remind Teacher:  Call or email your teacher 2 days in advance of presentation to make sure she is still planning on you coming.

6. Collects Supplies and Print:  20-30 minutes before presentation get supply key from office and on your way to classroom remove painting from hallway or prints from drawer in closet, and any other supplies you may need.

7. Present!  30-45 minutes--be sure to you and the teacher know when you will finish.  Have fun!!

8. Return all Supplies:  Return painting to hallway, supplies to closet, packet to library.


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